Machine Learning: Regression Models


I'm about 25% of the way through my first course on Machine Learning, almost through the second module, which is on Regression. The course so far is a great, well structured and teaches it's syllabus in both Python and R. As usual when learning something new, I have a whole bunch of questions about the things … Continue reading Machine Learning: Regression Models

Machine Learning: The Boring Bit

Machine Learning is really awesome. And I'm really enjoying the Machine Learning A-Z™ course from Udemy. I've just completed the first of the Regression modules on Simple Linear Regression. But before any of the cool stuff, and staying true to my interest in data, there is a really important pre-requisite to the whole process. Cleaning your … Continue reading Machine Learning: The Boring Bit

Reblog: The year 2052

The year 2052 Data World 1998Jan 1Robot supremacyIsaac Asimov wrote a short story named “The Evitable Conflict”, the story takes place in the year 2052 where robots are responsible for a lot of jobs that used to be done by humans, and so they became responsible for the world’s economy where they receive data … Continue reading Reblog: The year 2052

Reblog: The ABC of Tech You Must Know in 2019

The ABC of Tech You Must Know in 2019 Photo credit: Getty ImagesAI, blockchain, and community — in the new year, it is time to become exponential-tech literate.Tim LeberechtJan 1When I read about the tech trend predictions for 2019, I feel a strong sense of déjà vu. So many of them sound exactly like the future we … Continue reading Reblog: The ABC of Tech You Must Know in 2019